Latest news from A&T
Have you heard about the GDPR yet?
The first iPhone wasn't launched until 2007, and look how much things have changed since then. The Data Protection Act was introduced in 1998, so it has been due an update for a while. This is where the GDPR looks to make some changes and it is fair to say that businesses are going to have to change too!
Preparing for the flurry of storms heading this way
Following the effects Storm Ophelia had earlier in the week, and the Met Office telling us that Storm Brian will probably ruin our weekend (unless you are a Storm Chaser), we have a few tips to help your business prepare for what else might be heading our way.
Dehydrated Driving Same as Drink-driving
Driving while dehydrated has the potential to be as dangerous as drink-driving, according to a new study conducted by the vehicle leasing company, Leasing Options.
EverywomanUK retail ambassadors 2017
On the evening of 12th September EverywomanUK awarded Ellen Green CEO of Blue Badge Co, and Julianne Ponan the CEO of Creative Nature the prestigious status of ‘everywomanUK retail ambassadors’ in their award ceremony in central London.
Do I need Heritage Insurance for my listed business?
Whether your business is within the heritage sector or runs from a listed building, you have probably been advised to protect your business with a heritage insurance policy. But what exactly is heritage insurance and why is it so important to be covered?
We raised £3,500 for The Isabel Baker Foundation
Our team of insurance specialists recently raised £3,500 for our new charity of the year, The Isabel Baker Foundation.
Managing stress in the workplace
As a small business owner it is likely you are always on the lookout for ways to improve morale within your team to help keep the business working at full capacity.
Charities and digital transformation – Are you ready?
Recently there have been questions raised about technology in the voluntary sector. Is it being utilised correctly? Could charities benefit from digitalisation?
Should these famous London cafes be given heritage status?
The number of pie and mash shops in London has halved in the past 20 years. As a result of this steep decline, campaigners have said that London’s pie and mash shops should be given special heritage status to help ensure they can afford to stick around.
Preparing your business for the redesigned currency
We have already seen some of the changes to the nation’s currency over the last few years including the new £5 banknote and the 12-sided £1 coin. Take a look at how you can prepare for the changes to come.
Are 'gig economy' worker right for your business?
There are approximately 5 million people employed on a 'gig' basis where they forgo a regular wage and instead get paid per 'gig'. Some companies have had great success from using 'gig' workers and expanded quickly because of it, but are they right for your business?
Expecting the unexpected: Safeguarding your business
Did you know. . . Over the last 2 years, 550,000 SMEs have been forced to suspend trading as a result of a business interruption incident.
Fire safety for you and your buildings
Following the Grenfell Tower fire, we take a look at the importance of fire risk assessments and having the right insurance to respond to a fire at your property.
Nearly every UK SME is owed £16,000 in late payments from customers!
SME's are owed on average £16,000 in late payments from their customers. Read how your organisation can avoid late payments by following these seven simple practices.
WannaCry Highlights Why You Should Prepare For Ransomeware
So many organisations and individuals were affected by the WannaCry cyber attack, but it was easily preventable. Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and harder hitting but there are some simple things you can do to prevent ransomware attacks.