3 Reasons your small business needs insurance

Our insurance experts share their top tips on why business insurance can help cover all kinds of small businesses
Many small businesses don’t have insurance of one kind or another: it’s understandable, given that the early days of a start-up business are a busy time and there are so many priorities to consider. However, business insurance isn’t the luxury that many assume it to be: taking a risk by not covering yourself with insurance could be costlier than being safe with cover.
Protect your property
Burglaries can occur in any workplace, at any time, and should you keep petty cash, computers or other important equipment on display, you could end up having to replace them all for more money than you’d spend on insurance, and that’s not to mention the damage that can happen to the property itself. A Business owners’ policy, however, can protect against damage to property owned.
Professional liability insurance can help to protect you from any lawsuit claiming that your company acted with negligence. If you are sued, you’ll need to take time off work to go to court, which doesn’t reflect well on your business; legal fees will also have to be paid too. Small business insurance though can protect your assets, both personal and the company’s.
General liability
If a client or customer were to injure themselves on your property, you could be held responsible for this. General Liability insurance, however, can protect you against this and ensure that you don’t have to spend time away for legal battle, similar to professional liability insurance.