Hospitality and leisure insurance.

There is no doubting that the hospitality and leisure industry has had a difficult few years. At Alan & Thomas, we understand that protecting your business and business recovery is paramount. Hospitality and leisure insurance is a good starting point for protecting your business. We have outlined some of the most important cover for your business to protect you against the financial impact of claims. Speak to one of our dedicated insurance brokers to find the best hospitality insurance for your business.

Employers Liability

If you have staff of any description, it is a legal requirement for you to have employer’s liability insurance. This is because you are in charge of maintaining your employee’s health and safety in the workplace. The hospitality and leisure industry needs to take particular care as there are often higher risks to working in this sector. For example, kitchen staff handle high-temperature equipment, so this must be maintained appropriately. Should an employee be injured during work and believe it is your fault as an employer, they can make a claim. A proper employer’s liability insurance will help protect you should any claims be bought against you.

Public and Product Liability

Hospitality and Leisure insurance policies should include this liability cover because the industry is public facing. Public liability insurance protects you should a customer be hurt on your premises. Product liability is in direct reference to the products you supply. For example, if the food you serve makes a customer ill. There is a significant amount of exposure associated with hospitality and leisure. If you need guidance on what to include in your leisure insurance, speak to Alan & Thomas today where we can help build an appropriate package for you. Our team of chartered insurance brokers are experts in their field.

Equipment Breakdown

This is a particularly important cover if you work in a hotel or restaurant. This is because your equipment is vital to the customer experience. Your hospitality insurance policy should include this as faulty equipment is a health hazard and can also result in a loss of income due to unforeseen down time. A way of avoiding this is to have a proper risk management plan in place. Having this plan doesn’t mean that bad things won’t ever happen, it does however minimise the risk of things happening and outline steps to deal with issues when they arise. This plan should include arranging adequate leisure insurance to step in when you need it most. Equipment breakdown cover applies cover in three parts. This includes damage to the equipment itself, damage to the property and the loss of income. As hospitality businesses have a lot of equipment, this is something we strongly recommend.

As specialist insurance brokers, we offer a wide range of hospitality and leisure insurance policies. From employer’s liability insurance to engineering breakdown, we will ensure that you are covered whatever the circumstances. To contact us and speak to an advisor, call 01202 754 900. You can alternatively email with any enquiries you may have.